Van DeWald
I understand the convergence thing - but what is the guy doing in front of the pickup? Looks like he's flashing some leg in that shot - lol.
Hmm, and a little bit of belly too.
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I understand the convergence thing - but what is the guy doing in front of the pickup? Looks like he's flashing some leg in that shot - lol.
That was no problem at all. Like Jay said, it was nice meeting you guys. I am always glad to help out a fellow chaser for whatever reason. I have asked for a radar update before when I can't get an update. I am always glad to do the same. I did not mind at all when you guys followed us around. Again, it was an enjoyable experience meeting you guys, and I look forward to meeting and becoming friends with others in the chase community.Back on Thursday the 22nd and Kevin Rider and I were just northeast of Garden city on a storm when our data decided to crap out. We have AT&T which the signal did alright for the most part on Highway 400, but for some reason this one little area it just plain refused to get a signal. We had just met Jason Boggs back in Garden City at a gas station and noticed he and Jay McCoy were on the same storm we were at the time. Since we were without data at the time we drove across the intersection and asked Jason what the radar was looking like since we hadn't had an update for about 20mins. He was very nice about the whole thing and even allowed us to follow him and Jay until we got signal again. Hopefully, he didn't percieve us as "leaches". lol. We finally got signal again near Dighton where we parted ways. If you're reading this Jay and Jason...we appreciated it and hope we didn't cause any trouble.
Below is a picture of a huge convergence clogging a road to get out of the way of the beast coming up to Ness City on Friday.
I have to say that makes me happy to be a nocturnal lightning photographer.
Stuart, you read my mind on creating this thread.
After the last several days of chasing, I am convinced someone is going to be killed by a tornado very soon because there are a ton of wannabe chasers who have zero clue about basic supercell structure. More than a ton of times this past weekend, I saw people pulled over on the road filming areas of the storm that were not even close to being tornadic.
Not only that, but I also experienced a ton of leeches as well as local yahoos. Of course, I was also passed by a POS black chevy going 90-100 today as well as I TOPPED a hill. I got that one on film and might share it.
Either way, I want to highlight a few good things this weekend as well. We were all newbs at one time and I met a few guys that were definitely less experienced this past weekend that were awesome guys and were doing everything right in terms of following the storms and keeping a safe distance and filming a rotating wall cloud (and not a shelf cloud ).
Even though I only have 6 years on me (a lot less compared to a lot of you other guys I know) I kind of am feeling a bit of responsibility for the newbs and rooks out there running around. All in all...I really think this past weekend was a bit out of hand in terms of "yahooness."
EDIT: This doesn't include some interactions with locals wanting to be storm chasers...Saturday was especially bad. You'd almost think there was a game or something going on with all the tailgating I saw