Now, here's at thread that I am really glad someone started. Thanks, Jeff R!
I have built a lot of PC's for friends, family, & foreigners in my neighborhood back in Silicon Valley (Santa Clara, CA). Laptops were a new thing for me when I started storm chasing this year.
Pick the features that you like, but check them against the practicalities of the use for which you intend to use it. I have a Hp Pavilion that I got from TigerDirect for the paltry sum of $700. It has a 17" bright sceen an AMD 1.8 Ghz 64 processor, DVDRW, 1/2 Gb of 333Mhz RAM, and a 80Gb HDD. The best part of it? The fact that it came with Windows Xp - NOT Vista. That is the feature that made the rest practical and trouble-free. NO CONFLICTS with A N Y of the software that I put on it. GR3, Spotter Network, DeLorme, Photoshop, DxO - all run flawlessly and without OS errors! Problem fixed!. Next problem? I wouldn't count on it!
Having a problem with your box? Get a copy of Windows Xp home ($85>) and watch all of any problem melt away into oblivion. If your fan is on all of the time, maybe the heat sink on the CPU isn't fitting correctly - or it has lost enough of the heat compound that goes between the heat sink and the CPU. Most laptop stands for autos don't have a hole behind the fan of your laptop. That is a mod that you will want to establish so that your CPU can be adequately cooled - so that iit keeps your laptop from becoming part of a garbage heap.
The first and last mod that I gave my laptop was the RAM. It came with a pitiful 1//3Gb of 333Mhz DDR RAM. I called up TigerDirect and bought 1 Gb of 400Mhz CORSAIR VALUE RAM for seventy bocks and replaced the anemic stock RAM. 2 Gb is better, but Xp isn't a memory hog - so be happy. Get GOOD RAM ('Corsair' is the BEST - IMHO!); that's far more important than quantity/Gb's - trust me! The difference was day and night. Xp needs a minimum of 1 Gb to run fast - while memory-hog Vista can use up to 4 Gb and then acts like it wants/needs more. BTW - you usually cannot put more than two Gb's of RAM in a laptop - the only R E A L option is to spend the other $80 on the Xp OS - then you are good to go!
Dos it sound like I am down on Vista? You BYA!!! If Vista were to fall off of the face of the Earth tomorrow - I would be the last person to cry. I've had SOOOO much problems with building PC"s because of this HORRIFIC software, that I can't really begin to tell you how much I hate it!!!!
Do yourself and your storm chasing a favor - get some good RAM and put Xp on your laptop - and be good to go!