HUGE Positive Lightning Hit!


Jun 12, 2004
Sunrise, Florida
Hello all,

I stumbled across this picture where a "positive giant", those incredibly intense ground to anvil (positive) lightning strikes, the same ones you hear AND feel in your chest 30 seconds after the flash - Just feet away from the camera man!


I even heard close hits of such a strike can create such a powerful shock-wave that windows can be broken / wall plaster cracked!

The site this picture was from is

Chris C - KG4PJN
Holy moley! Bert Hickman's site is something else! Check out his storing 1000J at 2 megaVolts inside a block of Lexan and squeezing quarters into dimes! :shock:

Definitely one cure for SDS....
Wow!!! How did the camera stay on the tripod?

Nevermind...just saw that it was 4 second exposure on the bumper of his car.

I posted this on here before, but some might have missed it. If you like close lightning strikes you'll enjoy this. I can't imagine there being a closer strike caught on video. A friend captured it in 2004.

If that isn't a great reason to stay in the car I'm not sure what is. If you slow it down you can see how the lightning channel looks wider than it actually is. I imagine the above amazing still is the same deal....just looks super fat.
Is negative any different....? This may be a stupid question, but honestly I have no idea the answer to it.

This may also interest people who's interests become aroused by very close lightning strikes...this i mage was so close to the photographer that he even felt the shock in his body just like the guy in the other image.


Oh, and what is "Channel Breakup"?
Oh, and what is "Channel Breakup"?
Andrew Khan

Watch the video I posted but stop it on the flash and move the bar around to see it closer to frame by frame and you can see the lightning channel breaking up.
I'm wondering the same as Andrew: How can you tell the difference?

If you're close enough, shooting at a low f ratio, and using fast film or a high ISO setting, any lighting will look thermonuclear.

Originally posted by Marko Korosec
Oh man, thats incredible shot!!

I experienced some close strikes last year, I felt it in chests...believe me its not a nice feeling afterall :D

I've experienced that as well. I was chasing on April 30th, 2004, down near Ryan, OK... A lightning stike hit in a field immediately to our left as we were driving east ahead of the storm. Right as it hit, I felt a large, and quite discomforting, jolt in my chest. My fiance felt it as well, and I think Gabe and maybe Phil did too (I think they were with me that day). Regardless, it was an unnerving feeling.

Great shot.