How I almost went to Oz, or how NOT to intercept a tornado...

We were in the vicinity of those storms. On our way to the Bird City cell when night fell. We looked at our options and although it was clear that we were surrounded by tornadoes. We drove to Goodland, and when it was clear that we were still surrounded by tornadoes.. We headed west to Burlington CO so that we could get some sleep. Of course the all night drive from Ohio meant that we were pretty much fried... Heh heh just driving was probably high risk.

Thanks for sharing your post, stuff happens. I have had to abandon the vehicle once.

Your post actually makes me feel less sad about missing the tornadoes that surrounded us that night. Yes we could have perhaps moved closer, yes we could have waited for some lightning to illuminate the tornadoes but we chose to find the safest path home. I do not chase after dark. Once the sun sets.. I am on my way home.

When I look at all the pics of most who saw tornadoes that day, they are almost all in the dark or at sunset or very close. The window for catching those , at least in kansas/NE was very slim.

That is a crazy feeling when you hear the tornado warning and you do the math in your head.. And then the alarm in your brain goes off. My chase partner misheard the warning on that first Bird City tornado. It said "east of goodland heading North". We were due north of Goodland at the time so any East in the description meant we were safe. She thought they said west of goodland heading north. If that was the case we would have had an experience not unlike yours.

We also drove next to a tornado coming home from a chase in Iowa. We heard the warning, looked left and the best plan of action was to keep moving, the tor tracked to our left for quite a bit. It was a rush when they said, 5 miles north of somewhere and we quickly realize that that is where we are.

If you do get to OZ.. bring some cool stuff back. But stay away from the poppies..

Wow. I literally got chills reading that. Great post and I'm so glad you're alright. Yup, that was dumb, but we all have the lapse in judgement. I once thought it was a fabulous idea to chase a tornado warned storm right next to a river in a valley where I couldn't see a damn thing. Long story short, I almost lost my life that day. Well, not as close as you, but close nonetheless.

Stay safe out there guys.