For the third time since 1993, parts of Iowa are experiencing record setting flooding, especially in Ames. Squaw Creek, which runs through the middle of town and very near the Iowa State University campus, just crested this morning a few inches below the all-time level set in 1993 and well above the level met in 2008. The city is literally split in half right now as so many major roads are closed that one cannot get from the east side of town to the west side of town without driving > 5 miles away from town in one direction and coming back. The S. Skunk River at Highway 30 last reported a level of 26.16 ft, which is a new all-time record high level (and it may not have crested yet). Farther upstream, the S. Skunk River at Riverside Dr. is currently 0.1 ft above the 1993 level, which was second all-time to a level set in 1996. Des Moines is also experiencing major flooding, but levels have not yet risen to record levels (if they will at all). Other parts of Iowa are also experiencing major flooding, possibly record flooding, as well.
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