Have Never Seen The Weather Channel Perform Worse

Simply put TWC has been sold out for years, they suck and its all about profit.

I agree 100%.....they are an embarrassment. I live in metro Atlanta, and once upon a time...was both thrilled and proud TWC was located here. Now I'm very ashamed, and honestly wish TWC would relocate somewhere else. I knew more about severe storms at age 16 than many TWC OCM's seem too...it's beyond ridiculous. When they are ignoring a potentially very dangerous nighttime severe wx event, it's dissapointing; when they downplay a violent storm system (with a history of massive damage and fatalities) as nothing more than "showers", it's endangering lives; gross, blatant incompetency of the worst kind. If they don't care to employ experienced and competent meteorologists who know a tornadic supercell from a grass shower, then for God's sake change their name, STOP calling themselves America's cable tv weather authority and warn their audience to seek official severe storm information somewhere else.....from the National Weather Service or a reliable local media outlet...

Those in the path of severe storms would be better served for the OCM to simply say nothing than to give false information to them. When I was employed with EDS (customer service), nothing would get you terminated quicker than giving someone the wrong information; it was better to take their name & number and let a supervisor call them back than to give the wrong info.

As much as I dislike TWC, they did hire Jen Carfagno. Wow..... 8)

It just seems like back in "the old days" TWC was more for the weather weenies. It just seemed more aimed at them. And for those of us who grew up with, or became accustomed to that kind of broadcast, this corporate BS crap they have taking up time on the air now is pathetic.

Thank God for the internet is all I can say!
I only turn on TWC on the 8's of every hour and thats to see the radar real quick. They are never on top of most severe weather events. August 18th this year was a great example. 32 tornadoes touched down in WI in just 8 hours. One killed a man in Stoughton, WI. Even the SPC was off the mark. I always say if you want to see the weather go outside and look at it. TWC will unfortunately be explaining how to plant your onions and save on energy while the next severe outbreak happens tonight over WI and IL. :lol:
As much as I dislike TWC, they did hire Jen Carfagno. Wow..... 8)

It just seems like back in "the old days" TWC was more for the weather weenies. It just seemed more aimed at them. And for those of us who grew up with, or became accustomed to that kind of broadcast, this corporate BS crap they have taking up time on the air now is pathetic.

Thank God for the internet is all I can say!

Actually, I think the internet is the cause. Once weather-weenies got hold of the internet and all of the meteorological information available on it, there was simply no need for TWC anymore... So with the "weather-weenie" crowd gone, they had to appeal to another group - the closely related "outdoors/gardening" and "business travelers".