Have Never Seen The Weather Channel Perform Worse

Originally posted by rdale
They do put out the warnings immediately, so I guess I'm confused as to what you are looking at. That red bar sits at the bottom of the screen all through the warning.

I completely agree with Rob D. on this one. If the severe weather is in your area, then you will be warned by TWC; the warning crawl will be around for years to come...or until someone comes up with a better idea. While obviously they should have spent more time than they did on this event, I can think of few people that tune into TWC for emergency information regarding their own area -- that is what local news is for, and that is the way it should stay.

The Weather Channel is a business and, though it irks me tremendously to see how totally off-base their 'humanitarian' priorities are, they do what it takes to keep themselves afloat. In today's world it's all about the dineros and as much as that sucks, that's the way it is.
TWC is into heavy marketing. They are only concerned with the hurricane
season, as massive ratings allow them to charge higher rates for ad sales. As for other severe weather events -- they care less.

Originally posted by rdale
They do put out the warnings immediately, so I guess I'm confused as to what you are looking at. That red bar sits at the bottom of the screen all through the warning.

There is also an audio alert tone that is sounded each time the warning text cycles.

The only exception is people that receive TWC on satellite (which receive no local weather info or warnings).
I only buy into the "they're all about profit" explanation so far. I guess I'm the sort of person who tries to clutch onto something good about everyone and everything - no matter how small.

I'm sure that if all of these channels were truly purely about ratings and money - then they probably wouldn't stay around too long......but I could be wrong. I would think that they must be seen to serve a certain degree of the public's demands at the very least.

ROFL. Darin - thanks. I just had a flash of brilliance. Tree fittay you say?? I thought he'd go away if I gave him a dollar.........

"I would think that they must be seen to serve a certain degree of the public's demands at the very least. "

Agreed... The public does not demand coverage of a tornado hitting southwest Indiana. We do. We are a SMALL minority of TWC watchers...
Originally posted by rdale
Agreed... The public does not demand coverage of a tornado hitting southwest Indiana. We do. We are a SMALL minority of TWC watchers...

That's a good point. It's the Weather Channel, folks... not the Weather Weenie Channel. At the time of this morning's severe weather event, it was still midnight on the West Coast. I'd suspect most of TWC's viewers at that time are California residents checking the forecast before going to bed. I'm not sure how wall-to-wall coverage of a severe weather event in Kentucky and Indiana would be of much interest to those viewers.

There's much redundancy in the media component of the integrated warning system. TWC has never been the end-all-be-all of severe weather coverage on television. Honestly, it's a role I'm not even sure they're well suited for.
TWC sucks !!!

I gave up on those clowns years ago it seems that all they want is money, money, money I mean look at the excessive constant and never ending commercial breaks. 11+ in a row just to see less than 1.5 minutes of forecasting time and what!! do they live out on the East Coast I mean that seems to be where they focus most of thier so called forecasts, even when we've had a major pds high risk event outbreak over central Oklahoma. What a joke these guys suck!!!
Originally posted by Kevin Bowman
jim cantore just said it was the strongest tornado to hit since May 3 1999 :roll:

Maybe he meant in terms of fatalities... But still, not even near 5-3-99 (which had a F5 tornado resulting in 53 fatalities).
Originally posted by Sam Sagnella+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sam Sagnella)</div>
They do put out the warnings immediately, so I guess I'm confused as to what you are looking at. That red bar sits at the bottom of the screen all through the warning.

I completely agree with Rob D. on this one. If the severe weather is in your area, then you will be warned by TWC; the warning crawl will be around for years to come...or until someone comes up with a better idea. While obviously they should have spent more time than they did on this event, I can think of few people that tune into TWC for emergency information regarding their own area -- that is what local news is for, and that is the way it should stay.

The Weather Channel is a business and, though it irks me tremendously to see how totally off-base their 'humanitarian' priorities are, they do what it takes to keep themselves afloat. In today's world it's all about the dineros and as much as that sucks, that's the way it is.[/b]

Well I haven't seen the rest of the replies after this one. But yes they will scroll the warnings on the bottom. But I do believe every Cable compnay is required to do so not just if your watching the TWC. So that really isnt done by the TWC, as I understand. you could be on TNT and still see the same type of Scroll.

And maybe jim was stating in that area for the dealiest tornado not the USA in a whole I have no idea I wasn't watching.
"that really isnt done by the TWC, as I understand."

It really is... The box in your cable company that gets the forecasts / current conditions / radar etc will place the scrolling bar at the bottom of the screen on TWC. It is not related to any other channels.
Originally posted by rdewey+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(rdewey)</div>
<!--QuoteBegin-Kevin Bowman
jim cantore just said it was the strongest tornado to hit since May 3 1999 :roll:

I thought he said "deadliest"... Oh well, I don't watch them often anyways - for I am my own meteorologist :lol:[/b]

i thought he said strongest but its niether here nor there

why they have a crew reporting live is beyond me. maybe they are setting up for a chase tomorrow night