The heart of any radio that one can buy - is the antenna.
Now that you are becoming a Ham, as you study you will discover this for yourself. There is a misconception by many that an antenna is an indicator that a geek is inside the vehicle. Rather it is someone that understands that a radio is the most original form of electronic communication to this day.
A cell phone can do what a radio can't; but underneath it is still a radio. Inversely, a well trained radio operator and his radio can do things that a cell phone can't. Many chasers are Hams, and more of them need to have a place to learn this discipline as well. Some are members of ARES/RACES/SKYWARN too.
A CB can be useful when traveling long distances. Truck drivers use this mode of operation to this day. It has been my personal experience that a CB can be most helpful when for asking directions and other important info from truckers. CB's can also be used locally when chasing with friends, so as not to tie up Ham frequencies that might occur during an emergency situation. They can also do better transmitting/receiving than the line-of-sight 2 meter radios will. Unless you have access to a repeater - which will change constantly if traveling great distances.
Ham radio had a tremendous resurgence this year alone in the number of new Hams. There has been a statistic to this effect published recently - BTW. While people have been discovering new cell phone technologies - some have also discovered an old technology that is still seeing advancements and innovations as well.
I invite you to become a member of the World Wide Radio Forum It's free and only takes a moment. Both Ham and CB operators coexist within the same space while sharing and learning about radios. Some CB operators have become Hams and learn from other Hams. Since the WWRF is not a weather forum, I would think that STORMTRACK has no conflict of interest with it. If there is; I apologize and ask that you remove this post. I am a Moderator/Administrator on the WWRF. So if any member of STORMTRACK needs help or advice, just let me know ('Rob KI6USW') via PM and I will go out of my way to help you out.
One antenna that will operate in the CB band that isn't 9 ft tall -if that is the reason that keeps you from it; would be to use a Wilson 1000 magnet mount. Which is 5 2/3 feet tall. I have three antennas on my vehicle: 2m/440, a CB antenna, and a cell phone antenna. They don't make an effective horizontal antenna for a mobile application -
sorry. No one does. But there is a way to go the CB route as well as having a Ham radio too - as previously mentioned. You can have it both ways...
Thanks for letting me bend your ear for a moment - too!