
Mar 30, 2011
North Carolina
I currenlty use StormLab Supercharged with the storm chaser pkg. from Allison House, in Windows. A couple of questions, please.

1. In grlevel3, is the smoothing available in the basic program & is it as good as it appears vs. no smoothing.

2. If I decide to also use grlevel3, any advice on add ons, such as AH, GPS program, etc.

Thanks very much
1. In grlevel3, is the smoothing available in the basic program & is it as good as it appears vs. no smoothing.
Smoothing is included in all versions of GrLevelx. I'm not sure what you mean by is it as good as it appears vs. no smoothing. If you ask me, the smoothed radar looks better than the unsmoothed radar.

2. If I decide to also use grlevel3, any advice on add ons, such as AH, GPS program, etc.
Just use your Allisonhouse storm chaser subscription. It has placefiles for Gr with everything you need. If you're using your GPS with more than one application, you'll need Franson GpsGate or XPort.
Thanks, I did find a post in that forum that gave a link. I thought I tried it in the past and could not come up with anything. Thanks again