Great storm structures YOU have seen/photographed

Jun 13, 2004
Olathe, KS
Place here your best descriptions present and past regarding great storm structures and related tornadoes too if you want. Include your photo or link to blog or website too. INclude time and date observed photographed and any interesting information as well. Looking forward to seeing your stuff. I will add some of mine soon.

Dr. Eric Flescher
Olathe, KS
Storm Satori
Some nice shots Susan. Love the HP beast.

One of my favorites was from last June East of Lubbock. I punched the core trying to get to this storm and when I came out of some quarter size hail I had an incredible view from inside the bears cage. The photo does not do it justice since I was driving and took the shot at about 45 mph while holding the camera over the top of my car. The sky was a dark greenish brown color back towards the core and had a thin pink sky between the meso and shaft. It was backlit with a light orange glow and even had some blue a tad farther south before hitting the anvil of the sup to the south. This is not a Mike Hollingshead shot but enough for me to jog up some good memories.


This storm put down a brief tornado but the big show was with the storm to the south when it put down a huge wedge. I believe this was June 12th.

I picked this image of a tornadic supercell on April 1, 1998. It produced an F4 tornado. I observed the overshooting dome to "collapse" while the tornado was occuring. I knew something bad was happening and I later found out that a tornado had killed two people.

I like this image because it is a textbook photo of a supercell and was taken near Charlottesville, Virginia of a supercell in Coatesville. Such visible structure is rare in the East.

Bill Hark
Jimmy Deguara catching the beast of June 2nd 2005 east of Limon, CO

Tower on west side of Lubbock, TX storm on May 31st 2005

Dirt lifting into back side of Lubbock strom on May 31st 2005
Great shots guys!! Awesome inflow tail on that one. Whewwww..

Here are a few shots from a waterspout I got off of Redondo Beach a few years back. This thing had a wall cloud and frequent lightning zapping the water. It was a mini-supercell. The spout came down as the storm moved closer.

Here are a few of my favs over the years.........

This was taken about 15-20 Miles West of Last Chance. It has always been a favorite of mine because of how blue the sky was and how sharp and crisp the updrafts were.

This was my first could see the meso forming from forever and a day. The storm was initially over Briggsdale CO when it first went TOR and I was sitting East of Brush and could see the meso. It was on the ground for about 30 min and never felt a drop of rain until after the tornado dissipated!! The hail was a little smaller than golf balls and like slush when it finally came.

I am sure a few of you have seen other chasers photos from this storm. This was the Skellytown storm from 02'.

20 May 2004 taken south of Sterling CO.

Taken last May from Brandon, CO. This was a great storm to watch mature.
Outflow dominat storm west of Shawnee, OK on April 21, 2004.

Monster supercell in Harper Co., KS, on May 29, 2004. In the second image, you can see the tornado behind the telephone pole.

Supercell NW of Hamlin, TX, on June 12, 2005.

This last set is a supercell between Tulsa and Bartlesville, OK, on August 26, 2005. I like all of these pictures. I couldn't decide which ones to post, so I thought I would just give you a link to the whole set.
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This was the spectacular I-70 monster supercell near Arriba Colorado...on June 2nd 2005...time of the pictures was around 5:50pm of the most dramatic supercell structures I have seen to date as a storm chaser :eek: ...the only one I can remember that comes close was the thermonuclear supercell near Thedford Nebraska on June 4th 1999.

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