Great colorful storms in SW Slovenia, 05/18/2005

Jul 8, 2004
SW Slovenia, Europe
I had a great chase last week, after a front passage in the morning CAPE around 800 and LI around -3 over my part there was a good chance to get some nice storms.
The front is moving away:
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At midday convection is pretty strong, Cu con are rising fastly:
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Looking towards NE Italy...where single cells were forming:
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In the late afternoon over Karst/SW Slovenia few multicells were formed, here is one great cell ~10km SE from me:
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Around 5:30pm a friend called me that there is a hailstorm with downpour 5km SE from me, it was unbelivable dark in that way:
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I quickly found a better open location to take some more pics of this storm line. Looking towards SE:
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Towards E:
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Towards NE:
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Storm moving pretty fast to SW directions towards Divaca, 5km south from me:
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At 18pm I had a strong cell just in front of me:
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Also I managed to catch a lightning strike at daylight:
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Looking towards N-NE shows a nice Cb arc progressing to the W:
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Looking towards Trieste on W, there was still sunny but dark clouds are coming...
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Here is a complete chase log.

Best regards,

Originally posted by bvassmer
I am curious, how is the road system there in Slovenia? Is it easy to get around and chase?
The road system is good, the main problem is the hilly country so its better to go up to a hill or something to get better view. There could be a little problem now, if not all hills have roads to the top :)
Wild skies 8) Marko!

Slovenia is a good country to find Severe Weather, isn't it? I meet some weather enthusiasts from Slovenia and they post incredible photos sometimes :shock:
Originally posted by Pedro C. Fernández
Wild skies 8) Marko!

Slovenia is a good country to find Severe Weather, isn't it? I meet some weather enthusiasts from Slovenia and they post incredible photos sometimes :shock:
Yeah we get severe weather sometimes, because of the Alps effect.
Tell me, where or who did you meet? Honestly I don't know any chasers here :cry: , even I AM from Slovenia lol :D
Originally posted by Marko Korosec
Tell me, where or who did you meet? Honestly I don't know any chasers here :cry: , even I AM from Slovenia lol :D

Oops... I was wrong. They come from Slovakia, sorry :oops: For example, there is a weather enthusiast from Slovakia who is a member of Geo-Earth Forums and he often tells about severe weather over his region (severe storms, flash floods, severe snowfalls, etc.).
Hey, when you get severe wx there in Slovenia, what happens? Can/Do you report it to anyone? Are there "Warnings" issued over there?
There were severe storms with large hail (also up to 7cm in diameter) and a lot of wind damage, we also had one or two tornadoes in the last 30 years. But mostly there is damage because of hail, wind or heavy rainfall.
Our national weather center doesn't have much around this, but there is an European center ESTOFEX: where you can find convective forecasts and reports of severe weather across Europe. :wink:
At my place we can get really extreme windy days (this wind is called "Bora") during winter months, with gusts almost 200km/h. In autumn there is a risk for floods in some parts of the country, ~1000mm of rainfall in few days isn't a big problem though :D

I started my chases last year, so hopefully this year I will do many reports, if they happen of course.
