Robert Dewey
EF5 is also a good source... Also, the Hadley Center is a pretty good source I hear:
Interesting perspective. "Climate activists"... I guess the other side must be "Climate Couch Potatoes".
Getting "Climate Change" news from a business-centric source (like WSJ) is like getting the straight health poop on tobacco from the Winston-Salem Journal. They are likely to be much more interested in preaching to the choir.
For science, I recommend science-centric sources. Like National Geographic:
Don't anthropomorphize science. It hates it when we do that.
Learning how to evaluate sources and look for loaded language should be taught in Middle School (if not earlier).
"The e-mails do nothing to undermine the very strong scientific consensus ... that tells us the earth is warming, that warming is largely a result of human activity," — Jane Lubchenco
Regarding the hacked emails that allegedly amplify the real human effects on Global Warming.
I just thought I'd throw this out there since she head's NOAA.
When I was 14 or so mom took me to the dentist. He said I had 4 cavities, wanted to drill out and fill all of them with metal alloy. She took me to another dentist, he said I had none. To this day I have never had a cavity. This type thing goes on in every field.
I've always been leery of experts.
Which is why, to this day, whenever I need my spleen removed, I turn to Yahoo Answers. I've taken it out myself at least three times now.
Didn't mean to take away from the scientific nature of this thread by posting something from my childhood, but I did learn a lesson from that experience.
Was it a Doctor that said you needed to remove your spleen? He may have made an incorrect diagnosis, Doctors are notorious for that. I would have definitely gotten a second opinion, researched it myself, etc.. especially after the second go round If it is a blood disorder caused by a malfunctioning spleen, that can sometimes be handled with medication.... just throwing it out there by chance your Dr. didn't tell you. Sometimes they hold back information also.
Experts are just people. We consider them experts because they have generally devoted huge amounts of time to something. It doesn't mean that they are right.... or even bright, some of them. Now NASA is in the news again... going to get interesting.