Fuel Efficient Chase Vehicle

Verne, obviously I can't tell you what to do and I'm not trying, but please consider putting your spare tire back in your vehicle. What if your driving down the highway at night and run over something in the road and your tire gets a big cut in it? Fix-a-flat will be about as useless as a screen door on a submarine! There may be a time when you need to get that spare tire put back on ASAP to get out of a hairy situation and you may not have time for the roadside service to find you. Basically what I'm saying is, don't let a little bit of money saving get you in a situation that you may regret later. Just trying to look out for a fellow stormtracker, that's all.

Oh, and how much gas will you save by taking out the spare tire? <_<

Agreed. IMHO, it is rather foolish to leave the spare tire at home esp. considered chasing is one of the few activities where not having a spare could turn harmful to your health. The vehicle was designed to have it, and the gas mileage will not increase appreciably (sp?) by not having it onboard. Besides that, I don't think AAA response times will be much to your liking out in the middle of nowhere...if they even have a local towing contract in the area.

Same goes for antenne...unless you are toting a couple Texas bug catchers for HF.