For the love of all that is holy ....

Lee C. Bussy

Jan 28, 2009
... please help me come up with a working setup?

I picked up a Delorme BT-20 today and had ... mixed results. I'm not by any means a computer neophyte, but this kicked my ass. Various permutations of USB and Bluetooth connections and some word work for a while, then for whatever reason after a reboot, whatever, not work anymore.

I have two laptops available to me, I would prefer to use the Netbook (An HP 311 with Win7 32 bit). I was able to get it working ONCE with bluetooth, GPS Gate, GRLevel3 and mapping software ... then not so much. After I went into the store it had suspended. Thinking it was a power management thing I rebooted ... removed/reinstalled bluetooth device, re-detected (and this time it's not there in GPS Gate) ... no luck.

I tried it on the Presario laptop with XP, the same sort of mixed results (although different each time). I would have posted on the GPS Gate website but I didn't see too many answers there.

I don't even mind bringing this GPS receiver back if there's a better one ... maybe better software? Please, someone has to be using a reliable setup on Win 7?
One thing that I think has been suggested in similar threads is to make sure you run GPS gate as the Administration (right click and select "run as administrator"). I think that certainly seem to help me.

I am on 7.

I'm no techie, but I have a guy if you need (as a last resort).
Lee, this is an ongoing issue. The problem I had and everyone I've talked to has been the DeLorme GPS. Read through the following threads, you will probably find a lot of good info that will help you out.
To get things running I have to start GPS Gate first, then start the Delorme serial emulator. If I allow anything to autostart with windows it's rarely works right.
Morning folks, thanks for the answers. I'll give those threads a read, and see if a different approach will work.

It's too bad, the physical setup of the Delorme is one that I like. If I can;t get this to work out for me, is there a "sure fire setup" out there?
Well I have it the 'ol college try, and I'm pretty convinced that even if I did get it to work, it's too much of a pain in the @$$ to worry about during a chase. Brought it back and will be ordering the GlobalSat BU-353.

Thanks for the replies.