Drew Terril
Staff member
As a bit of an offshoot from something I said in the Minimalist Chase Forecasting thread, I'm curious as to how many of y'all regularly shoot in film these days? When I first seriously learned photography in HS in the early 2000s, DSLRs were just coming out and were prohibitively expensive. In addition, my mom (who is also big into photography) had a great film SLR setup that I was able to learn on. Fast forward a decade and a half later, in 2019, I decided to dive back in to film, after running digital for most of the previous decade. Grabbed a Canon Elan 7ne (one of the last film SLRs that they produced and as a bonus, all my EF lenses work with it), and I realized very quickly just how lazy I had gotten with my settings over the previous decade. That said, once I dialed myself back in and cut simple operator error out of the equation, I rediscovered a love for film that I had forgotten. It's a little more logistically intensive now, as I have to send my film either to South Bend or Indy to be developed; there's nobody that handles it in house here in Northeast IN like there was in OKC when I was still living there. In addition to that, a few months ago, I snatched up an old MiniDV camcorder that I'm going to play around with this spring, and see if I can capture a bit of an old school vibe across the board. For that, fortunately, Final Cut Pro still supports direct importing from older devices, so I won't have to do anything out of the ordinary to import any video that I do get with it.
With all that said, any of y'all that still shoot in film, feel free to share in here! I've long felt that film has its own vibe that can't really be duplicated with digital. I'll start us off:

With all that said, any of y'all that still shoot in film, feel free to share in here! I've long felt that film has its own vibe that can't really be duplicated with digital. I'll start us off: