Bill Hark
After researching and compiling eastern United States tornado video, I found over two hours of amazing video to place on a DVD for weather enthusiasts, chasers, spotters and researchers. This from an area of the US not known for great tornado video.
With the recent wild tornado video from Belgium, I started thinking that there is enough non USA tornado video to make a similar compilation. I have seen great tornado video from England, Belgium, Spain, South Africa, Canada, Australia and Brazil. Many of these videos are shown for a few seconds on the news, then forgotten. Occasionally, clips are posted on the web, but these are often removed after a few days to make room for other videos. I already cannot find the really cool 2004 tornado video from Santa Catarina, Brazil.
I hope someone takes an interest in Non-United States tornadoes and compiles a DVD. It would be a difficult but not impossible task. The internet makes locating videos relatively easy. I found that most amateur videographers gave me permission to use their video without charge provided I gave them credit and a copy of the project. I am tired after my Eastern USA tornado project and too busy to undertake something new but maybe somebody else will become interested. I have given some video links below to stimulate interest.
Brazil tornado
Australian Tornado
Birmingham UK tornado
Bill Hark
Eastern Fury: Tornadoes of the Eastern United States
With the recent wild tornado video from Belgium, I started thinking that there is enough non USA tornado video to make a similar compilation. I have seen great tornado video from England, Belgium, Spain, South Africa, Canada, Australia and Brazil. Many of these videos are shown for a few seconds on the news, then forgotten. Occasionally, clips are posted on the web, but these are often removed after a few days to make room for other videos. I already cannot find the really cool 2004 tornado video from Santa Catarina, Brazil.
I hope someone takes an interest in Non-United States tornadoes and compiles a DVD. It would be a difficult but not impossible task. The internet makes locating videos relatively easy. I found that most amateur videographers gave me permission to use their video without charge provided I gave them credit and a copy of the project. I am tired after my Eastern USA tornado project and too busy to undertake something new but maybe somebody else will become interested. I have given some video links below to stimulate interest.
Brazil tornado
Australian Tornado
Birmingham UK tornado
Bill Hark
Eastern Fury: Tornadoes of the Eastern United States