I tend to agree that some cops abuse their power when enforcing traffic laws, but some chasers certainly don't help matters by engaging in borderline or fully illegal behavior, or by being douchebags about it during or after the fact. My biggest peeve is: why do so many chasers think they have the legal right to simply stop with their vehicle still halfway in the traffic lane just because there is no shoulder or insufficient room to get the vehicle all the way off the road? That's not the way it's supposed to work. If there's not enough room to get all the way out of the driving lane, don't stop there! Instead proceed down the road to the first location where you CAN get all the way off the road. You don't have the right to redefine traffic laws at your convenience just so you can get the same shot that 20 other people will end up getting. There are very few areas in chaser alley where you're not within a few hundred yards of a safe place to pull well off the road. Yet on every chase, including this year, I encounter people doing exactly that. That's the kind of behavior that is guaranteed to draw ire from LEOs everywhere, not just those in Kansas.