Cross border chasing...

Jun 10, 2004
Kitchener, ON, Canada
For the folks who cross the Canada/USA border for chasing (enroute to other locations or in the middle of a chase), what is the Q&A session like customs officers?

Be well, TR
In Detroit:

Nick: Hello
Customs: Are you a terrorist?
Nick: No.
Customs: Are you a gangsta?
Nick: Yes.
Customs: Figures. Ok, your free to go thru, sir. Next!

LOL. But, seriously thou... the customs are a pretty big pain on the Detroit/Canada border. Infact, they pulled me and my Father inside after coming back from Toronto one day. We bought a bunch of CD's to resell on eBay and they thought that was too odd of a story.

Don't ever say to the customs that you will be storm chasing... they will NEVER believe that! :?

Don't ever say to the customs that you will be storm chasing... they will NEVER believe that! :?


Exactly, thats why they asked me a ton of questions.

Customs: What are you headin over for?
Me: Storm chasing
Customs: What?
Me: Storm chasing!
Customs: Hmm...
Customs: Where do you live?
Me: Rochester
Customes: (Okay, this really pissed me off, I'm 20 years old, and technically could be living on my own) Do your parents know your gone?
Me: Yeah
Customs: So if I call them, they're not going to be mad?
Me: Right
Customs: Where do you go to school?
Me: I will be starting college this fall
Customs: Where do you work?
Me: I'm off right now, hurt my back
Customs: Sir, is this your car? (as about 2 other guys walk around and check out my license plate)
Me: Yes
Customs: (They are now looking in my back windows) - Can we see your ID and registration.
Me: Yes
Customs: Do you have any drugs or weapons in the car (my dads gun case in the back, which was empty :oops: LOL) -
Me: Ummm... No
Customs: Sir, could you step out of the vehicle for just one moment (I got the hint that he seen the gun case, LOL)
Me: :!: Sure
Customs: (looking around in the glove box, trunk, empy gun case, etc.) Ok.
Customs: You can go...
Me: :twisted:

But, I guess if it helps avoid terrorists or drug smugglers, then thats whats got to be done.

I guess I could just answer like some of the other 19/21 year olds that go over they're, and say I'm going to get plastered :lol: LOL

Being almost August, cross border chasing is referring to Canada. What about during Feb/March/April.....anyone ever venture down south of the border into Mexico? This is something I "try" every spring in March but something always keeps it from happening! Crossing the Canadian border is safer and more realistic, but those Mexican supercells are very tempting!

Jim Bishop
Don't ever say to the customs that you will be storm chasing... they will NEVER believe that!

Never never never NEVER under any circumstances lie to Customs be it Canadian, Mexican, or American. I've never had any problems with Canadian Customs in terms of scrutiny, but US Customs is always a hit or miss. Some people are really cool, others are complete a--holes.

But, no matter what, always tell the truth, even if it is "storm chasing." If you make something up and are asked to elaborate, you may find yourself in a pickle. If you have one of these decal-covered, equipment-festooned vehicles, they'll likely be asking a lot of questions anyways, and storm chasing may be the perfect reason for having such a decked-out rig.

>>Exactly, thats why they asked me a ton of questions.
Wrong. They tend to ask different questions at random or based on various circumstances. What you described in terms of questioning isn't really all that uncommon at all.

>>Customes: (Okay, this really pissed me off, I'm 20 years old, and technically could be living on my own) Do your parents know your gone?

I've never got that one before. Do you look young?

Customs: Where do you go to school?
Customs: Where do you work?
Customs: Sir, is this your car? (as about 2 other guys walk around and check out my license plate)

>>Both very common questions I've been asked by both Canadian and US Customs.

Customs: (They are now looking in my back windows) - Can we see your ID and registration.

>>Very common for US Customs to ask for both. Never had to show it to Canadian customs.

Customs: Do you have any drugs or weapons in the car (my dads gun case in the back, which was empty :oops: LOL) -

>>Again, very common. Canadian customs usually seems to read from a script, "drugs, pepper spray, mace, weaponsofanykind?"

Customs: Sir, could you step out of the vehicle for just one moment (I got the hint that he seen the gun case, LOL)
Me: :!: Sure

>>No surprise there whatsoever. It is illegal to bring weapons to Canada without the proper permits which need to be dealt with before crossing the border and declared immediately when crossing, so of course they'd want to check that out.
Infact, they pulled me and my Father inside after coming back from Toronto one day. We bought a bunch of CD's to resell on eBay and they thought that was too odd of a story.

This could've been for many reasons. Most likely, I think items imported for resale are subject to duties (taxes) and do not fall under the $200-300 personal allowance you're allowed to bring back (due to the resale intent).

Also, driving from Detroit to Toronto to buy CDs to sell on Ebay does sound a bit odd... "Touring Toronto and doing some shopping" would have been all they needed to know.

I'm not trying to stick up for US Customs, they can be a huge pain in the rear at times.
Canadian Customs are a pain in the neck over here. I usually get through with no hassle, but getting back is a pain.