County Officials Critical of Storm Chasers

It would be helpful if chasers had direct dialog with the EMs/LEOs somewhere other than the media, a place filled with hyperbole on both sides. Perhaps some misunderstandings could be resolved and facts established between the two.

Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?
Dan - while that idea is nice, having 185 chasers calling up EM/LEOs to explain that they are really nice, law-abiding citizens won't do a thing. And even if it did, chaser #186 who blocked two lanes of a highway for taking picture (yahoo or not) blows it all.
Dan - while that idea is nice, having 185 chasers calling up EM/LEOs to explain that they are really nice, law-abiding citizens won't do a thing. And even if it did, chaser #186 who blocked two lanes of a highway for taking picture (yahoo or not) blows it all.

It is for that reason that I propose that the only solution is professional, courteous interactions in the field. 1 on 1 interactions (when appropriate, of course. Don't want to get in the way of their work) can go a long way.
That's all well and good but we can only control our own behavior - which for the most part already isn't the problem. We can't do anything about the yahoos and jackasses who ARE the problem. "I cast thee out" doesn't work here. Unless of course you are advocating giving them a 'crash course' (pun absolutely intended) in centripetal force and kinetic energy when they try to fly past you doing 90 with their illegal lightbars blazing... ;)

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Yes, we should be courteous, law abiding, and cooperative with LEO's and local EMA's. Most of us are without having to be reminded in threads like these. There will continue to be run ins with law enforcement, however, as there will always be a minority group with a negative impact on how chasers are perceived. It's the same with law enforcement and spotters. While most are extremely helpful and courteous there is also a minority group of bullheaded aholes who have it out for certain people. Education and communication may help to some degree, but honestly I don't there is much we can do about either of these minority groups. They will always exist in some fashion. The good news is I don't think they have much impact on us. While these minority groups are very vocal and visible, they have little influence on how we operate out there.
I agree but don't think it will ever come to this. I think some of you who think you have an idea how law making and politics work are talking out of your backsides. You clearly aren't paying attention to government at any level if you think anything is going to come out of this in the way of new laws. There are far too many other important programs that have been cut in the past 5 years and tax payers/voters are not going to react kindly to their representatives wasting time on 'storm chasing'.

As it has been stated many times, the laws in place already give them the tools to handle situations such as I 70. Also, as stated previously, even if they were somehow able to create anti-storm chasing legislation, how will the enforce it. Again, things such as pulling over for emergency vehicles are already addressed when you turn 16 and get your drivers license.

I think the mistake you're making is applying federal-level management logic to county and municipal management. Since when has the fact that sufficient laws already exist ever stopped new ones from being made when a problem is seen to exist?
Unless of course you are advocating giving them a 'crash course' (pun absolutely intended) in centripetal force and kinetic energy when they try to fly past you doing 90 with their illegal lightbars blazing... ;)

"There was a cat about to cross the road; what was I supposed to do?"
I think the mistake you're making is applying federal-level management logic to county and municipal management. Since when has the fact that sufficient laws already exist ever stopped new ones from being made when a problem is seen to exist?

While I agree with your point I don't believe the average citizen is educated enough to know the difference either. In their eyes if something has been cut or someone has lost their job in local government they're just as upset with the federal government being responsible as anyone. Government is government in their eyes and they aren't going to appreciate time/effort/resources being wasted worrying about if a storm chaser is in their county.
This thread for the most part is preaching to the choir. None of us are perfect drivers, but I believe that the outlandish behavior sparking many of the complaints *usually* does not come from chasers with 5+ years experience, IE, those of us who care about the hobby and its reputation (enough to be involved in this discussion, for example). The other problem I see is two separate issues being mishmashed together - 1.) the outlandish behavior, and 2.) the number of vehicles on the road. Those can't really be discussed as one issue. They are two different problems with different implications and different potential solutions. Many of us don't fit problem 1, but could be a part of 2.

I just wish our interactions with EMs/LEOs weren't so confined to the cesspool of news articles and media stories, environments rife with hyperbole on both sides that doesn't accomplish anything but raising the blood pressure of everyone.
I wanted to avoid dwelling on this thread but here's an interesting report from KAKE:
KHP targeting
I'm pretty sure this will blow over, but it is a definite eye opener.

It may or may not. The power of police discretion is quite significant in situations like this. There are hundreds of non-commercial traffic codes for most any state. I have no qualms about legitimately reckless, egregious or blatantly illegal moving violations being dealt with in a manner prescribed by law.

However, I hope this doesn't become a widespread campaign of profiling and legal harassment directed towards all chasers. When you're stopped for minor technicalities, or for otherwise specious legal pretexts, then it can cause you to miss a storm, not to mention being hit in the wallet for minor infractions that ninety-nine percent of the population would never even be given a passing glance for.
It may or may not. The power of police discretion is quite significant in situations like this. There are hundreds of non-commercial traffic codes for most any state. I have no qualms about legitimately reckless, egregious or blatantly illegal moving violations being dealt with in a manner prescribed by law.

However, I hope this doesn't become a widespread campaign of profiling and legal harassment directed towards all chasers. When you're stopped for minor technicalities, or for otherwise specious legal pretexts, then it can cause you to miss a storm, not to mention being hit in the wallet for minor infractions that ninety-nine percent of the population would never even be given a passing glance for.

Well see that's the thing though. People are confidently saying it would be hard to enforce a law against "chasing"; but they don't need to have a law against chasing per se. They can make or just choose to enforce laws (for instance) about window obstructions like your dash cam or "hail guards" and they never need to even bring up chasing during the stop. Driving while typing on a computer or trying to use a camcorder at the same time? Reckless operation. Heck, if they wanted to be a real pain, if you've got signage on your vehicle from a website through which you sell videos, they could even try to pull commercial filming permit requirements at you. It's difficult to make a successful case for being "unfairly profiled" if the characteristic they're focusing on actually is an illegal behavior.
I think it would be very easy. Past history and comments made publicly is plain as day. But if it is illegal behavior, no arguments from me. As long as its not stupid stuff and it doesn't go from zero tickets issued in the past for a particular offense to 15 tickets issued on say a high risk day.
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