Shane Adams
I just don't see how you forecast cold core tornadoes. I look at archived radars from CC days and there's 12 storms out there in a group and one produces a tornado. How do you know which storm to be on? I'm just real down on CC because the only one that didn't do tornadoes was the one I commited to last year and chased in Nebraska. Every other one (that I missed or sat out) goes bonkers. Doesn't matter how many I miss though, I cannot get excited about 60s/50s or even 50s/40s. It's just not natural. However if it looks like a CC setup I'll try, since that looks to be the only shot we have this year within a few hundred miles of home.
MOD (Jeff): As a moderator note, I split this topic off from the original thread since it wasn't really about the upcoming event in particular. This is NOT a bad thing, since I think there is a LOT of interest in these types of events among chasers, and I think this discussion can be greatly beneficial for many. [/moderator]
MOD (Jeff): As a moderator note, I split this topic off from the original thread since it wasn't really about the upcoming event in particular. This is NOT a bad thing, since I think there is a LOT of interest in these types of events among chasers, and I think this discussion can be greatly beneficial for many. [/moderator]