Copyright Infringement Reports (Review guidelines in post #1 before posting here)

He recently started following me again on YT and requested friendship. What I'd give for 5 minutes alone in a room with these little punk bastards. Hell, 30 seconds.

The fact is that once they got there 30 seconds would barely be enough for you to get started. Their mouth would earn an extra hour of beatings in the first 10 seconds alone. :p
Copyright ?

Long time member of the site. Mod's feel free to move if not in correct topic.
I saw this today doing research on something totally different and thought it needed to be pointed out if it's someone's work that was ripped off. Probably Mike H. again but not sure. So that it for what's it's worth if anything. Again just making it known.
No offence to Mike but not every spectacular cloud picture is going to be his. Scott said it. This picture was taken by a local from Iowa.
Oh jeez...not this one again. Yes, you guys are right. It was taken by a local up here in Northern IA and sent to KIMT or the Globe Gazette...dont remember which one. If I remember correctly it was taken by a woman in Orchard or Mitchell IA, somewhere over there.

It was passed along to me that he was selling my recent Wyoming hail pictures and given the amount of photos he has for sale, I would venture to say he has ripped a few more off from others as well.

I'd venture to say thats a screen cap of my video from Campo day flipped around to try to disguise it... or at the very least someone elses on that same road i was on, if you watch my video thats honestly a carbon copy except flipped, I suggest others take a look through this guys work because there some pictures I swear I saw posted around here before by others that are on that site...

It was passed along to me that he was selling my recent Wyoming hail pictures and given the amount of photos he has for sale, I would venture to say he has ripped a few more off from others as well.

Thought this image looked awkwardly familiar, it is one taken by Mike Hollingshead. I recognize many of the other images as well but this one stood out upon first glance.
This one looks like it was from that monster supercell near Valentine last June or July, probably taken by Mike Hollingshead, but the caption says it's from 2008 (yeah right):

Man, it looks like this guy is just stealing everything he sees. Shouldn't there be some serious recourse from that? Like massive lawsuits?

I'd venture to say thats a screen cap of my video from Campo day flipped around to try to disguise it... or at the very least someone elses on that same road i was on, if you watch my video thats honestly a carbon copy except flipped, I suggest others take a look through this guys work because there some pictures I swear I saw posted around here before by others that are on that site...

I sent him an e-mail. I doubt he will respond though. I hope someone takes legal action against this guy so he does not do it again.

I think that one on his channel is either Scott Bennett's, Ben Holcomb's, Adam Lucio's or Danny Neal's. I think they were all right there together on that.

Apparently he owns and

I notice a lot of stuff he's gone to lengths to cut off URLs and copyrights and even put "copyright" and "all rights reserved" on the videos he's ripped.

Liar and a thief, what a douchebag.
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