Copyright Infringement Reports (Review guidelines in post #1 before posting here)

James, thanks for pointing this out. Since that appears to be a "for profit" page, I'll ask the Examiner to remove the images if they didn't license through Corbis (although they may have done so).

The truth is that small-scale internet piracy has no material effect on the "regular" sales and licensing of images to larger organizations, magazines, and book publishers. Also, Eric always donated his images free of charge to any university, NWS or Skywarn/EM-affiliated group--that too has zero impact on licensing and sales. It's like two separate markets. If anything, I suspect the appearance of his photos on small websites or in presentations, with low-res JPGs that can't be used for anything else, could give graphic designers and other editors the idea to purchase high-res versions for more substantial publication. That said, it's troubling when people take without asking, government or private sector. It's simple courtesy to ask.

The TVN clips are property of Scott Currens.

Not sure who manages Eric Nguyen's photo rights, but I got a pop of this joint NWS/Denver Weather Examiner page on my facebook account:

Severe Weather 101

There is also a link at the bottom to a video the writer "found" on youtbue, but that has since been removed on the youtube side.

Update: I didn't realize there are multiple pages to the article. Found another of Eric's photos, a bunch of photos with no copyrights, and several videos. Hope they have permission to use all of that.

What's even more horrifying than Kevin Martin on Examiner (gasp) is the nut job he's writing about... watch the video. Why is he shooting potatoes into the storm and calling them probes? I don't think I would like to see him near a chaser convergence. Anyone know the terminal velocity of a potato?

Yeah, He is the fella I blocked from my FB for a while because he was spamming everyone's posts with links to his videos and website. Another fellow ST member PM'ed me and told me he talked to him about it and he changed his ways but???

I know 4 seconds of WD-40 will get a hedge apple up to a great distance but I just LMAO of that shooting of the plinker probe, sounds like it might have went 50 feet.
What I have been finding lately on FB is the number of names I have never heard of wanting to friend me, who claim they are a chaser but use other chasers' content such as this dude from Mexico Is that Hollingshead's lightning shot and who ownes that one image in the background?
Everyone may want to check this guy out:

He stole my 4/22/10 video and I saw a lot of other's chase videos on his youtube channel as well. I sent him a message asking him to remove it and if he does not, I will report him.


Nah, You don't warn a thief, they knew it belonged to another when it was stolen from them.
On Youtube, live leak, vimeo, etc. you don't communicate with the offenders, you just report it. Offenders online know they steal, but think they are "entitled" to the work simply because it's online.

I young...sort of...friend continues to post stuff from television on various internet sites. It's a mentality that is all to real and you won't convince them otherwise. Swift and harsh punishment is the only way to go these days.
Well, mabye I'm just too nice. After messaging him, He did take down my video without problems. There are still quite a bit more tornado videos in his channel though. He even made a video to personally attack the credibility of someone else who asked him to take down their video. Kind of like the pot calling the kettle black.

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Recently someone had reposted my video of the Bowdle, SD tornado. The funny thing is he specifically blocked me from commenting on the video, lol. So I just filed a complaint, and Youtube yanked it within 6 hours.
I had an issue with this Plumbo guy (Jordan is his first name) a few years back. I asked him to take my stuff down, and not only did he get ****tty about it, but some of his wannbe gansta wigger suburban buds jumped in as well. I had to go to YT to get it removed, but it's been a pleasure dealing with his ****ty emails and remarks myself.

He recently started following me again on YT and requested friendship. What I'd give for 5 minutes alone in a room with these little punk bastards. Hell, 30 seconds.