Convincing the Significant Other...

Thanks all for the great responses. She knows how passionate I am about severe weather so going on the chase won't be the problem. I'll certainly be letting her read this thread so she can see all the support that exists for the field.

And as for the teenagers in the Mustangs, I might just be in that Mustang next year.
when I meet my husband for years ago he laughed at me when I told him what I do. "Like twister he said." He has some of that movie phobia of tornadoes many people have gotten since the movie. I told him the truth. This is what I do, it is my passion-which it is. That I know what I am doing and that there are ways to chase and not get into harms way. I introduced him to a few friends who I had chased with the previous year. He still doesn't like it and I do it anyway. I don't keep him from hunting and the dangers are stronger there. Put your foot down man. If this is what you want to do than she should support you, shouldn't she?