Chris Foltz
Guys, please try to focus on the topic and keep politics out of it...
[Ignores sarcasm in spirit of Sx2 :wink:] For starters my understanding is that over 3,000 of the LA Guard are overseas with their heavy transportation equipment. It is also my understanding that a significant part of the Army Corps of Engineers is deployed for Iraq reconstruction. Until recently -- silly me -- I thought these agencies were specially trained and equipped for flood control, homeland security, and disaster relief.
How politics can be interjected (as usual)into a talk about a disaster is beyond me. I thought thats what the new Sx2 was suppose to stop (ya right). I dont care if they have 30,000 LA guradsman there it couldnt stop the levee from failing.
FoxNews just reported that they've called for the total evacuation of the entire city of NO, including those in the Superdome because of continually declining conditions.