Good day,
In my case I sold some stock video of hurricane stuff as well as some DVD packages.
ANYTHING with a 1099 needs to be reported, by law, and usually is for any sale over $600, but any company issuing an "ap check" can issue a 1099 even if its for just $100.
What I do is I have my accountant I have been using the past 4 years at H & R block handle this. Many years I have a W2 from my "main job" in computers, and 1099 based earnings for any video / stock footage / DVD sales, etc.
These are separate, but for the 1099 stuff I was able to claim expenses on them (this denotes the highly "grey" line between a storm chasing "hobby" or "job" - or even both).
In 2002 and 2003 I had W2 earnings based on my job in IT (for a company) and then contract work in IT (self-employed, paid as AP with 1099 based income). The year of 2003 was my first experience with an ESTIMATED INDIVIDUAL tax form, which I did each quarter.
For 2004, income was BOTH from my IT contract and hurricanes Charley / September's Fury DVD's I worked on with BNVN ... Jim Edds, Jeff Gammons, Doug Kiesling, Mark Rackley, and Jason Foster. Both these were all 1099 based, and in this case, I WAS able to use expenses.
For 2005, I have a W2 for IT work and 1099(s) for hurricane chasing footage as well (stock / DVD). The 1099 based income will have deductions based on expenses / contingency incurred during chasing (where footage was USED to make any money).
I always pay taxes as an individual (if not W2 based) such as 1099 income each quarter using an estimated tax form. On April 15 (or before) I do my taxes with my accountant and that is when I put all the DEDUCTIONS down (after the fact) ... Then I get ready for my big refund I will use to chase in the plains ;-)