Sarah Berling
Originally posted by Brian Stertz
I would certainly prefer to have a chase partner or two/three because of the fatigue factor of driving, especially post chase. My toughest chase solo was June 12th this past year. I left at 6am and chased up until dark, and then drove back to Tulsa. I did not sleep but an hour and then I had to go to work. Honestly I can say it was worth just being out there...
Agreed, Brian. I just started chasing last year, and I went with some OU students (because I was living in Oklahoma for a little while). I found that I learned much much more when riding around with other meteorology students, because I had a million and three questions and they had a million and three answers. They were very patient with me, bless their souls.
Riding with a partner is probably best if you're going to attempt multiple state chases. I remember one memorable chase last year (5.11.05) where we left Norman at about 2pm, drove straight to Garden City, Kansas, caught an amazing lightning storm, and drove back that same night (I had work the next morning and one of our group had an final.) We didn't get back until about 630 the next morning. That was tough and I was very grateful to have other people in the car who could take over the driving portion.
Just be careful, dude. Know your own limits. If you know you can't drive more than, say, 6 hours without falling asleep, get a partner if you're going on a long chase. Just know your limits and you'll be dandy.
