The more I read, the more I'm beginning to doubt this is a true "chaser" problem. Unless you screw up and are way behind the storm (which happens to the best of us from time to time, but not always), you're not going to be in the damage path getting in the way of responders. Chasers are normally right on the storm or slightly ahead of it, where there is nothing yet for responders to respond to! If they are responding from the east, they'd be going the opposite direction of chaser traffic! Maybe this is why I haven't encountered the problem yet. Sure, if you're 15-20 minutes behind a tornado and try to drive through a damage zone, there will be traffic. How often do most of us get into that situation unless we've really blown it in terms of positioning? If you make some bad calls and end up falling behind, maybe just flanking the storm to the north or south will avoid the problem, instead of just pressing ahead to the east. Am I oversimplifying this? Seems like the SN followers and locals would comprise most of the damage zone traffic where the responders are trying to reach. As a chaser, if I'm stuck back in the damage path 20 minutes behind the tornado, I'm not doing too well in executing my chasing strategy.