Jason Tunzer
Let me first start out by thanking all that reply to this topic.The ST site has taught me lots of weather related info.I would like to know what storm tracking programs that you use on your laptop while chasing/spotting and how you get the info.The reason I am asking this is that I am setting up a laptop in our communications van amd I would like to have acccess to radar maps,ect.I looked into Mobile Threat Net with XM radio and although I love the program and XM radio link I just can't see us as a non-profit storm spotter group being able to cough up the $929.99 for the software program.I know some of you use wifi for connections and yes we cover a semi major city (Omaha,NE) but most of our spotter locations are in the boonies.I guess what I'm asking is what is the most cost effective and reliable form of data tranfer and what weather related programs do you use?Thank you in advance.Jason Tunzer