I've been chasing in the Plains since Tuesday, and I have come to the conclusion that the root this issue most of the time isn't chaser amounts, but just poor driving. Large amounts of chasers just exacerbate the instances of poor driving. This could be folks who are naturally bad drivers or are driving poorly because they are trying to multi-task while moving. I have yet to encounter more than roughly 12 chasers in an area at once, but even small amounts have given me numerous headaches while driving. I've come upon numerous chasers driving 10-15 mph below speed limits on flat, straight, clear roads. Each time there was no storm immediately near, so I'm not sure the reason for the slow speeds. I've had chasers break suddenly in front of me, pull out in front of me, turn around in front of me, block roads, etc. These instances occur in isolated areas with very few others around. No surprise, a lot of people just suck at driving and do not maintain situational awareness. You throw more of these types of people into more stressful situations with more people around, and what you get is the accidents, near misses, and slow downs that lead to long lines of chasers that we see on big days. Obviously even if every chaser drove properly and sanely, convergence would still happen in instances with bottleneck road networks and single storms.