Alex Elmore
I am very fortunate that my wife is also a meteorologist and is passionate about storms and chasing. More importantly, in our 6 years of chasing together, we've never had any major disagreements in terms of target area, storm choice, or chasing strategy when on a storm. If a difference of opinions does arise, we've always been able to maturely logic through it and come to an agreement. We have teamed up numerous times with others to go chasing, but it is becoming less and less of an occurrence as time goes on; mostly due to a lot of the points already touched on in this thread. There are those who have chased very little, if at all, who have expressed interest in going with us. We've made it perfectly clear that they need to be prepared for lots of driving and that we may need to leave at a moment's notice. They usually state that it shouldn't be an issue...until the time comes to go and they're either a no show/no call or had to do something that honestly could have waited (meaningless chores, duties, etc.). And this is for local chases, e.g., those where we just stray a couple hours from home and make it back before it gets too late. We don't even bother taking anyone (experienced chaser or not) along with us on our chasecations or chases where we'll be out for a couple days. Living out of a vehicle and hotels for days at a time can be strenuous. I don't want to have to worry about entertaining or taking care of someone when things get boring or they get tired of being out there (which is why I'll never be in charge of a tour
). This usually isn't an issue with those who have chasing experience, but there's been enough trouble in the past with differing opinions, questionable forecasting, and unsafe driving that it doesn't matter how much experience they have; multi-day trips with others are off the table. If I'm going to miss a storm in my own backyard or hundreds of miles away from home after spending so much time and money preparing to chase, it's going to be because my wife and I messed something up, not because a guest or partner did.