Chase Safety and the Consequences of Irresponsible Chasing

that's the one he did at the National Storm Chaser Convention in Denver this year.


The term "wannabe" in the presentation is not derogatory. it's all us newbies who don't fit into one of the other categories.
A factual and balanced presentation, I thought. It's more than a little disconcerting though, to finally understand the magnitude of irresponsibility and outright dangerous behavior in the field. The letter from "R.C." was particularly shocking, in that someone could display that level of wanton disregard for someone else's property and safety. If that was my field he was driving through, he'd be leaving in a big hurry with an a** load of CIL buckshot. Someone obviously peed in the gene pool.

It's really not enough that people like this be ostracized by the chaser community, because they are usually somewhat sociopathic anyhow, and don't lend themselves to being part of a group, anyhow. Something more must be done to deal with them. What should be done is a tougher call to answer.

Like I mentioned some time ago, I'm a lot more frightened of the lowest common denominator on the highways than I am of most of the storms.
I didn't see the presentation live, but I did go through it on the web. Was it just me, or did it seem that the "RC" letter could maybe have been written by some kid? I kept thinking that the whole time I read it, that it was just some young kid pretending to be someone else.
Yes that was a good, funny and balanced presentation by Dr. Doswell.

I may be mistaken, but I believe the R.C. letter was not written by an actual chaser. Years ago, there was a guy somewhere known for stirring the pot on various (non-chasing related) message boards across the internet, posting *as* a 'storm chaser' while using the identities of well-known chasers. When Dr. Doswell showed this at the convention, right away I recognized the misspellings of words in this letter by 'R.C.' to be the same as the aforementioned message board poster. Maybe someone can confirm this, but I believe this letter is not 'for real' in that the person is not actually a chaser or someone actually planning to chase.
I'd be rather shocked if R.C. didn't stand for Ricky Cates. Ol Ricky has contacted several of us over the years. It's often about some crazy chasers and how they ruined his well as about anything else. I probably have a few of the e-mails somewhere. I read that the other day and right away Ricky Cates came to mind. Searches showed him to be some HAM operator in TX.

From what I gather he is an old man with a keyboard. I'm sure he'll e-mail me again now, having posted this.
Doswell makes an excellent point:

" Calling in storm reports, including negative reports "

Verification of what is actually happening in the field and what is not is one of the most valuable contributions a chaser can provide the meteorological, public, and emergency management community. I know I'm stating the obvious, but it is so easy to get wrapped up in the moment and fail to follow through with reports. And even negative reports can significantly clear up an unclear picture for those in the offices. I'm highlighting this point as someone who needs to improve in this area. Anyone who can provide a link or listing of NWS office call-in phone numbers or other contact info would be greatly appreciated. I intend to program my cell phone and laptop prior to our trip this year for quick and easy access.
I don't even need to read the letter to know this is Rick Cates. You can find him on several message boards to this day, still pretending to be me. As if enough people didn't already think I was a yahoo, LOL.
Thanks for posting this and I will look forward to getting some time to digest it. This is great for those of us who couldn't or didn't make Denver or TESSA this year.

I was very pleased with this presentation. It was short and to the point. I definietly have some improving of my own to do in the arena of responsible chasing behavior. I must say I have been guilty of speeding a little when my adrenaline gets going. As my brother Paul sated, any good reporting phone numbers such as, weather service offices, or emergency management offices would be appreciated.