Chase Expedition 2006 Completed


Jun 12, 2004
Sunrise, Florida
Good day everyone,


My chase trip to the central USA from May 17 through May 31 is complete and pictures / chase log is online. Less than optimal upper air dynamics made for a chase trip covering nearly 9,000 miles over 13 states to get the storms!


Check out the link here to the site: CHASE 2006

Take care and good luck to all lucky enough to head out to the central USA and chase!
Chris, it was a pleasure to chase with you this year! Thanks for following me out to the Buckeye State! Unbelievable the ground you covered! What a year for traveling, even if the weather was less than perfect! I'm glad we crossed paths, as we all had a wonderful time! Glad you made it safely back home and look forward to seeing you again in the field! Ciao dude!
Chris, like Tony said above it was a plesure meeting up with you and chasing the storms in South Dakota and Illinois. We had some good times, Scott Sims and I look forward to future chases with you and the rest of the crew we met.

Good luck with your hurricane season!

Brad Emel