Shane Adams
I said that was an assumption, feel free to write her, and in the spirit of this topic, this is a possible way to spread positive publicity? Has anyone checked to make sure? Why wouldn't a journalist(or aspiring one) want information from the best available sources. I am not affiliated with the Daily, and a matter of fact the Daily is more or less a competitor of ours, so I was not advertising, merely providing the opportunity for students of OU that use this board(and there a quite a few), or maybe even non-students if you check, to spread a positive message about chasers.In the future, I'd appreciate it if OU could handle their requests for content within their own backyard; I don't need to be bothered with emails and posts requesting interviews from chasers, only to find what they're really wanting are students.
Isn't that the point of the Assc.????
Steve, I apologize. I was never aiming my repsonse at you personally, but I never made that clear. Mistake on my part. I guess I just get tired of everything always having a "requirement" beyond knowledge and experience. I'm not out for glory or money, but I do LOVE to talk about chasing, and paper is one of my (if not my very) favorite mediums. It gets old when everytime I see something about needing chasers for interviews, there's always a catch.
I guess I'm just waiting for the day when all that's required is you chase and you love it.