Cellular data coverage in 2018

Where on earth did you find the exact dimensions to know where to drill? Ifixit.com has a ton of information but where TS-9 test ports are located under the rear cover - I don’t think so. My luck I’d end up with a Swiss cheese special!

Best place to start is to locate the service shop technician's manual for your device.
Dan, I still use ThreatNet and it worked nicely out on the Plains this year. I had a few patchy areas of poor service using my Verizon phone in ND/SD but my main issue was RadarScope going out. The GPS function stopped working multiple occasions. Others have had similar issues. During a chase in Virginia last Friday, there were some areas of poor Verizon service SE of Lynchburg. RadarScope again was out but hopefully will work after a quick update of the app.
Yesterday, I was out in the same areas I was when I had the 100% data outage southwest of OKC on May 2nd. I had coverage almost everywhere this time. So it appears the 2nd's issue was likely overloaded towers. I have not had many other issues this season, with the sporadic outage here and there.
Yesterday, I was out in the same areas I was when I had the 100% data outage southwest of OKC on May 2nd. I had coverage almost everywhere this time. So it appears the 2nd's issue was likely overloaded towers. I have not had many other issues this season, with the sporadic outage here and there.
In the previous case, did you actually have signal and you just were not getting data? As a general rule, if it is overcrowding due to the masses, your RSSI (signal strength) would indicate that you do have service, and you would probably even be able to make voice calls and send text messages without issue. You'll just notice a dearth of data whenever you try to load something online. If I absolutely have poor or no signal whatsoever, then that's generally a coverage issue.

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
In the previous case, did you actually have signal and you just were not getting data? As a general rule, if it is overcrowding due to the masses, your RSSI (signal strength) would indicate that you do have service, and you would probably even be able to make voice calls and send text messages without issue. You'll just notice a dearth of data whenever you try to load something online. If I absolutely have poor or no signal whatsoever, then that's generally a coverage issue.

On the 2nd, it was back and forth between 1x and 4g, but no data pulling anywhere - both on my phone and Jetpack.
Sprint with T-Mobile's overlay is a bit......disappointing, in the rural areas.

I just snapped up a WeBoost Drive 4G-S booster with a decent antenna, so I'll have to see if that helps at all.
Dean, that was something I noticed when I was driving for CR England. I had Sprint at the time, co-driver at the time had T-Mobile. While there were certain areas where his coverage was a bit better than mine, neither of us had squat through Wyoming, except for Cheyenne, and Montana and the Dakotas were both abysmal for both of us. I did better than he did in Nebraska by far due to Sprint's roaming agreement with US Cellular that allowed each carrier to use LTE on the other's towers (I'm not sure how this will be effected by the merger), but by and large there weren't a lot of areas where the two didn't overlap. It seems to me like the merger will help them consolidate resources more than expand coverage, at least in the short term. Long term, I could see it free up capital to expand, but I don't see them being able to roll out 5G AND expand to the extent of Verizon and AT&T in terms of rural coverage
The Wilson Sleek amplifier I use does not require an antenna connection to the phone. It is built into a cradle, and talks to the phone's radio via very close coupling on the cradle.
Occasionally on my Verizon Jetpack Mifi data will just stop. Still shows signal but there's no internet connectivity. Either rebooting the device or clicking Disconnect then Connect in the admin interface will fix it. If it happens again @Dan Robinson maybe try rebooting your device?