Cellular data coverage using amplifiers?

Starting Pre sales On Wednesday . You get $50 discount for pre ordering . Your credit card will not get billed till product is shipped to you and pre orders will be the first to go out even before orders to our retail outlets. Pre order Phone number is 413-maximum (413-629-4686)

Mark - Now working on getting pre production units assembled. You , Roger Hill and Steve Miller will be getting them to review for the storm chasing community. It is very costly ( over $1100 each to build pre production units) so sorry everyone else.
How long will the pre-sale be active? Want to jump on this, but would like to hear the reviews of the pre-production units before dropping that kind of cash on something.
I've found some great dead spots east of town to test in the last month or two for when the time comes. I can't even imagine how so many different components come together to accomplish the end result. I suppose it's akin to a PC mobo and those have always fascinated me. It's good someone knows how to make it happen. I'm getting excited to see how it'll work!
Having just chased the TX panhandle I can say I'm impressed with the LTE coverage even in the most rural of areas. We were SW of Lubbock in the oil fields and the coverage was outstanding. The opposite can be said of the OK panhandle, SE and east central CO. Very hit and miss with a lot of 1XRTT signal, and even along Highway 287 it is in fact terrible, or at least it was for me. I suppose it boils down to roaming agreements with the various regional carriers, of which I'm not sure of anymore. I recall SE CO appearing to be a Viaero Wireless area based on the number of signs I saw. These marginal areas are where an amplifier makes all the difference in the world. I can't wait to take it for a test drive to see what you've come up with!
Having just chased the TX panhandle I can say I'm impressed with the LTE coverage even in the most rural of areas. We were SW of Lubbock in the oil fields and the coverage was outstanding. The opposite can be said of the OK panhandle, SE and east central CO. Very hit and miss with a lot of 1XRTT signal, and even along Highway 287 it is in fact terrible, or at least it was for me. I suppose it boils down to roaming agreements with the various regional carriers, of which I'm not sure of anymore. I recall SE CO appearing to be a Viaero Wireless area based on the number of signs I saw. These marginal areas are where an amplifier makes all the difference in the world. I can't wait to take it for a test drive to see what you've come up with!

Last of chips for prototypes is supposed to arrive today . Hope to have your test unit to you shortly Mark!
Someone take the latest amp up to Hwy 18/85 north of Lusk, WY and let me know how much coverage you get on Verizon. Also Hwy 71 south of Punkin Center, CO. I've gotten so used to universal LTE coverage I'd forgotten what it was like to lose data when I found a couple fringe areas.
Thanks for the input James. I'll be testing in these types of fringe areas when I get the amp from Mr. Gordon. If anyone knows of other dead spots in eastern CO I'd appreciate hearing from you.

This probably sounds crazy, but I think I had better overall coverage in eastern CO when I had Sprint than I do now with Verizon. Granted I'm talking about 5 years ago and 3G only, but I'll take 3G any day when in BFE as it's plenty fast for my needs. Seems to me Verizon has some work to do in the roaming agreements department, or in lieu of that to just build out their network in areas that still lack coverage. It's a tall order but is doable based on the LTE coverage I saw in the TX panhandle the week before last. Five bars of LTE in the most remote locations just blew my mind. I have a feeling the solution to the problem lies deep within the confines of the new amp and all of that silicon it contains. We shall soon find out!
I should also note I will be testing mine in my commercial truck as well as some of the trailheads and camping places in Colorado. I will document as much data as possible.