Cellular Antennas and Amplifiers

Just wanted to voice some very positive feedback for the service from Gordon and Maximum Signal. Trying to figure out which unit I wanted and how best to get it delivered wasn't trivial from another continent but Gordon was extremely helpful in messages to work out which product would suit my chase needs and also extremely accomodating in terms of shipping requirements. I've not tried the product yet, but highly recommend Gordon for excellent customer service.


CA-819 works great!

I just wanted to give the Maximum Signal CA-819 Dual Band Amplifier a big thumbs up! My chase partner bought one and we just used it on a chase that covered the area from Illinois to Texas to Kansas (a good chunk of miles covered). The CA-819 amp, along with the Sprint USB internet card, had good signal the whole way through. The only area of no reception was in NW Texas but it was only out for about a 10-20 mile stretch. I can live with that.

Having constant signal really helped as we chased a nocturnal long lived cyclic supercell in Kansas until 1:30 AM and wouldn't have attempted doing so unless we had constant radar. Bottom line is that this amp used with the Sprint card works great.
Is there anything you have that would help a poop-poor AT&T "service" for less than $300? I really don't get any kind of reception at all - anywhere in the western half of my state is dead, anywhere in Kansas is dead, in fact anywhere off of an interstate pretty much fails for AT&T. Single worst service provider I've had in the history of service providers. What a shame they "took over" Cingular.
Is there anything you have that would help a poop-poor AT&T "service" for less than $300? I really don't get any kind of reception at all - anywhere in the western half of my state is dead, anywhere in Kansas is dead, in fact anywhere off of an interstate pretty much fails for AT&T. Single worst service provider I've had in the history of service providers. What a shame they "took over" Cingular.

Are you using a tethered set-up or a datacard? I am using a USB 881 datacard and only use a short external mag mount antenna from Gordon. The only place I have found that it is still really lacking is in southern NE. Maybe an amp would help here, but I may need to just build my own 300 foot tower on my car for this area. Man, it is the pits here. It seems like as soon as I crossed the state line it was fine again. Makes me wonder if or how they manage to cut that signal off at the state line?
I don't know where you get the $300 number . The basic CA819 kit that most Stormchasers are using is $199.95 . with card specific adapter cable you are looking at $233.00 including 2 day shipping. With everything you need to use in your vehicle or in a building with 110 power.
Is there anything you have that would help a poop-poor AT&T "service" for less than $300? I really don't get any kind of reception at all - anywhere in the western half of my state is dead, anywhere in Kansas is dead, in fact anywhere off of an interstate pretty much fails for AT&T. Single worst service provider I've had in the history of service providers. What a shame they "took over" Cingular.
Are you using a tethered set-up or a datacard? I am using a USB 881 datacard and only use a short external mag mount antenna from Gordon. The only place I have found that it is still really lacking is in southern NE. Maybe an amp would help here, but I may need to just build my own 300 foot tower on my car for this area. Man, it is the pits here. It seems like as soon as I crossed the state line it was fine again. Makes me wonder if or how they manage to cut that signal off at the state line?

Actually I'm using Weathertap on my Blackberry ... all it needs is phone reception, which it cannot seem to get at all. I haven't dared try the AT&T data cards ...