I had problems with my CB Radio disconnecting my USB ports on my laptop
Ahh, you're probably in for a big hassle trying to fix this since there can be a number of things that contribute to this. Essentially what is going on is that the RF from the CB radio is being induced into the laptop via it's cables or other means and then causing this particular problem (but you already knew that).
Some stuff to try;
- relocate the radio or laptop if possible. A few inches can make a big difference.
- re-route the CB radio's coax and power cables.
- don't connect the CB radio to internal wiring, go direct to battery if possible.
- re-route any USB cables or other cables on the laptop.
- don't use a mag mount *** this is a big one. One of the major causes of EMI problems like this. Try switching to a different mount (ie a lip mount or other mount that provides a better connection to the vehicle chassis.)
- hopefully you're not using a glass mount antenna... that would be bad!
- Check your radio/antenna to see if you have a high VSWR.
- Try a different antenna.
- Use split beads on all computer wiring, and on the power wiring of the CB.
- check to see if the CB chassis is grounded properly.
- check to see if the car's battery ground cable is in good shape.
Try an experiment; power your laptop from it's own battery and see if this happens. Then do the same powering your laptop by whatever other means you have (ie do you use an inverter?). If the problem only occurs when you are using external power (by an inverter for instance) than we know that is how the stray RF is getting into the laptop. Might help when combined with other steps above. In extreme cases a filter can be constructed to remove RF from the power cable but that should be a last resort.
There could be a number of other things to check but I would start with this list.
Good luck!