Can the pressure change or wind in tornadoes cause injury/death directly?

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Oh okay - thanks for clarifying. So far there is no evidence or data to back up that claim, but I encourage you to experiment if you can do so safely!

The evidence is that large rapid pressure drops are known to be dangerous, and that a pressure drop recorded in a tornado was as rapid and larger than those known to be dangerous
I honestly don’t know, I’m not a scientist. But I’m sure there is an explanation of why I’ve never heard of a pressure drop death from a tornado. Yet you do from scuba divers.
Benthic pressure gradients are greater than atmospheric variations on Earth, or in a space station in a hard vacuum. The folks on board the diving bell of the Byford Dolphin learned that Nov. 5, 1983, sadly. I had forgotten the sled test-higher wind than DOW record- but that was unidirectional. A super-narrow suction spot means flesh gets it from other angles of attack. Cows more vulnerable with greater surface area?
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Thread has devolved into back-and-forth arguing, and the facts of the case have been presented. I see no reason for further arguing.
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