Camcorder Buying Advice Needed

May 1, 2004
Springfield, IL
Hi guys,

I'm in the market for a new video camera, and was eyeballing one of the new Sony's such as the XR500 or XR520. These are pretty costly camcorders and I want to have some accidental damage coverage for it seeing that it's probably going to take some abuse on the road as a dash cam (bumps and maybe water). Who should I buy from to get this coverage? Sony offers it on their website but they are also selling the camera at the highest retail price. If I buy a new-in-box camcorder from another seller do I have the option of adding Sony's accidental damage coverage? Best Buy is matching Sony's price, but it seems like they have their own warranty plans. So my main question is, what kind of warranty options do I have if I go with another seller?
Your *best* bet would probably be to see if your Home Owner's Insurance company will offer accidental damage coverage for appliances. I carry insurance through USAA on a number of my more expensive bits like my Laptops, video and still cameras, etc. I've broken them a number of ways, and its always been covered, but it costs a little bit to get replacement cost coverage, instead of 'assessed value'.

Barring that, you should probably investigate any in-store insurance carefully. Best Buy (as much as I loathe them) gives you pretty decent coverage for their products. Some retailers farm their insurance out to third parties, and these can be hit or miss. Before purchasing, ask what company they use and research it carefully.
B&H has the Mack warranty coverage option, but I've never purchased it myself - so I can't vouch for it personally.
Most warranty's do not cover accidental damage, only a defective product or component. Additional coverage for accidental damage or theft can be quite expensive.

I have carried my cameras on home owners insurance with an additional rider that covers replacement cost, perhaps with a deductible. I believe there are similar policies for non-home owners.

I dropped a bag full of Nikon's and lens in the Texas Colorado River as I was stepping between boats many years ago. I recovered the full insured amount. It helped that my insurance agent was on one of the other boats at the event.
I beleave that you can buy the coverage from Sony when you buy the camera from someone else. check their website and see, I think you have 30 days to buy coverage. As stated above, read the fine print to make sure that the potential damage you want covered, actually will be.