Mike Moore
Ya, I also fail to see the political connection... but hey maybe it's way down inside somewhere. Screaming will help.
If the winds were under 50mph, they were red flagged.
Wouldn't such a report help confirm that a warned storm is not severe in certain cases? For example, NWS DTX issuing a SVR for "destructive winds in excess of 70 MPH," but spotters are reporting sub-severe winds... wouldn't that be more important than no report at all?
Two different issues... If you check the log, your report was "yellowed" because of the missing info. It has nothing to do with questioning your report.
I still don't quite get why you say it's all political, but I'm satisfied.
As far as Lanny and rdale, they go way way back. Farther then you and I know. Hence Lanny’s reply to rdale.
[...] To begin, I think David's thread was more so taking a shot at Lanny, or me, or both. I don't know [...]
David Reimer said:My question is concerning the appropriateness of filing a statement (The above is just that, a statement) downplaying another report. Does SN want chasers submitting reports confirming or not confirming another report? I ask because Mr. Thorn's report received two green RQC flags.
Hey Matt, sounds like you have a tour to prepare for. Why are you posting, editing, posting, editing, posting, editing? Go chase for god's sake, no one cares about your Lanny issues.
How exactly did you get your start with Chaser TV Steve? Just out of curiosity. I remember you were in Houston and it gets foggy from there. Anyway, I don't want to create any Steve Miller issues so I will just leave it at that.
BTW, How did all of this stuff get off the discussion topic at hand. [\QUOTE]
It got out of hand with your personal attack on Lanny. And as by your post aimed at Steve it looks as though you are steering this thread off topic again. You went on the offensive to be defensive.
As for SN, I'm not sure that I like the new point system but oh well. Seems like storm chasing & reporting tornadoes is simply a peeing contest anymore. Maybe the streaming craze is making reporting via SN and the like obsolete anyway. Every storm is streamed these days it seems like.
As for the drama, if I weren't so involved in a highly successful chase-related business, I would probably bow out of the public chasing community--I am severely ashamed at what chasing has become.