David Reimer
This was a report from Lanny Dean at 7:50 PM CDT: "Small thin funnel observed to my north northwest at 7:50pm CDT to 7:52 CDT. Could not see full condensation to the ground. Funnel was thin and rope like and lasted approx. 2 minutes. Please note: Inflow is increasing at this time.."
This report was from Todd Thorn at 8:02 PM CDT: "There was no funnel seen from other person's report."
My question is concerning the appropriateness of filing a statement (The above is just that, a statement) downplaying another report. Does SN want chasers submitting reports confirming or not confirming another report? I ask because Mr. Thorn's report received two green RQC flags.
- David Reimer
This report was from Todd Thorn at 8:02 PM CDT: "There was no funnel seen from other person's report."
My question is concerning the appropriateness of filing a statement (The above is just that, a statement) downplaying another report. Does SN want chasers submitting reports confirming or not confirming another report? I ask because Mr. Thorn's report received two green RQC flags.
- David Reimer