Best Photo taken during 2004?

Originally posted by Dave Chapman
One of my favorites from last season, taken on June 10th near Big Springs, Nebraska:


Is that snow or hail on the ground?

Here's my personnal favorite picture for 2004.

I took this picture on August 11th. This is the best funnel picture I have taken so far.. Man! I was freaking out when I saw that funnel, almost had the impression that I could stretch my arm and touch that thing! hehe :lol:

Might you say, what's the big deal with a funnel cloud? Well, here in Montreal, Canada, tornadoes are rare (I have never seen one so far) so when we see funnels here, we are very happy! hehe

[Broken External Image]: generale/funnelaout11.jpg
Here are probably my 4 favorite tornado shots of 2004...

<img src= width=400 height=300>
Big Springs, Nebraska -- 6.10.2004

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Big Springs, Nebraska -- 6.10.2004

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Large tornado w/ satellite Freeport, Kansas -- 5.29.2004

<img src= width=400 height=300>
Large "wedge" tornado Conway Springs, Kansas -- 5.29.2004

Mike U
Great pics, all of them. Hopefully next year i can get some better ones, of course first i need some decent storms to chase, which are pretty rare here in michigan.
Re: May 22, Daikin, NE

Originally posted by Wayne Sclesky
This was my best storm pic of the year taken near Daikin, NE. Just a mile or so to the north of this tornado was the tornado that hit Hallum, NE.

<img src=\"\">

Now my best photo otherwise for my real job was this shot done in NYC

<img src=\"\">

I dont have a webpage so I cant post my pics :( Between the tornado and the girl I'll take the girl :p