Baron v GRLevel 2/3

Ah yes, not more colors, just different. I'm so used to seeing the purple, I thought there was an extra level there.
Kurt, I'm unsure if this is the same for Threatnet, but my file is located directly in the main program folder and is named "newchart". You may want to make a backup of this before editing just in case. You simply edit the RGB values in the reflectivity line to your custom color scheme. The first eight sets of equal RGB values should be left alone as it's the remaining sets that actually control your reflectivity display.

I believe the pattern after the 215,215,215 goes as follows: x,x,x = 15dBZ / x,x,x = 20dBZ / ...=25 / ....=30 / ...=35 / ...=45 / ...=55 / and the remaining sets can be ignored as the data stream only supports dBZs up to 55 (sigh).