Banner ads on web sites

ROFL I just checked out your site Dan. The first AD on the Google list was one for TRADD Storm Chasing Tours! :shock:

Nice NUKE theme, BTW!
ROFL I just checked out your site Dan. The first AD on the Google list was one for TRADD Storm Chasing Tours! :shock:

Nice NUKE theme, BTW!


You can't choose what ads Google displays; TRADD's been up there like the entire time. :?
Hmmmm, TRADD......if they put that on there I will really be, no, that is not going to happen. I'd say bye bye TRADD banner.
I was able to see it earlier, but I went back now to get a screenshot to show the TRADD googlead and now it says bandwidth exceeded. Was wondering if you have a daily bandwidth limit, but it's after midnight now and should have reset if that were the case I think :scratch:

I've earned about $3 in about 3 can set up zones to sell ad space at your own prices, or they'll put up text links that you get paid per click.

You also can set the amount to reach that they will cut you a check. :D

You can put it on every website you own, if you want.
Well I had a google one up for about 10 seconds. Saw TRADD and felt like such a bad person. Sank into a deep depression and had to yank it(yes all in 10 seconds). Skaroooooo dat.