Archived Radar Loops

Dec 18, 2003
Lubbock, TX
I am working on a presentation and I haven't found what I am looking for (first time doing a public presentation LOL)

Does anyone have, or can they direct me to radar loops of the 5/22/04 event in southern NE, specifically the storm that hit Hallam, AND the storm just to it's west that hit Clay Center.

Also looking for the same for the 6/12/04 Mulvane, KS storm.

Reflectivity is good, velocity even better. Hoping to find animations.

Thanks in advance!
Thanks Andy. I was more looking for a single site loop from those days. Hastings and Wichita to be specific. Wanna show the storm up close.
I've tried dowloading the radar data from the OAX radar site, but the files have been empty (tried Level II at least). You could try downloading the Level III / NIDS data from NCDC HAS system, then loading it up on GRLEVEL3 (it has a 30 day trial, I believe). This would probably be your best bet, imo. It also gives you the most control of the image (color table, zoomed in to whatever you want, etc).
Originally posted by David Drummond
I am working on a presentation and I haven't found what I am looking for (first time doing a public presentation LOL)

Does anyone have, or can they direct me to radar loops of the 5/22/04 event in southern NE, specifically the storm that hit Hallam, AND the storm just to it's west that hit Clay Center.

I can build you some custom ones using Gempak and level2 data if you wish

drop me an email so I can find out exactly what time periods, radar location, image size, etc. ([email protected])
Thanks folks for the help. I managed to get some good stills I could use. I would take up the offers on the custom ones, but I already got this thing together, I have to present tomorrow. :shock: