Anyone chasing Hurricane Ivan?

What do you do when you have to go to the can and everything is closed, you have 80-100mph wind and horizontal rain? I am considering doing a short local simulated hurricane chase by driving through a local car wash with my windows slightly cracked a few times, maybe jump out a few times during the process. I guess the only difference from the real thing will be is that I will have a full tank of gas to get the car was for free.
When I am climbing and it is cold and snowy outside my tent I go in a bottle. Serious, a gatorade bottle works great, just label it!
With landfall possibly being only a 12-14 hour drive from Norman (a closer drive than South Dakota or Iowa), I am tempted to go. I would probably ride it out way inland though- just getting into 70 mph winds and recording the low barometric pressure would be enough to make me happy.
Originally posted by Dan Robinson

There's about 7 more bags of food/snacks in the cab. That *should* cover it, I hope.

How many gallons of gas? I can't tell if you have 2 or 5 gallon cans...I'd assume 5 gallon cans, but I'm not sure.
Originally posted by Caleb Lawrence
How many gallons of gas? I can't tell if you have 2 or 5 gallon cans...I'd assume 5 gallon cans, but I'm not sure.

22.5 gallons to be exact. Four 5 gallon and one 2.5 gallon. I figured on having a little more than one extra tank.
This was not an easy decision, but I'm holding off on this chase. Just too far to drive with so much uncertainty.
Who says chasers are indecisive?

I'm reconsidering reconsidering. Possibly leaving at 5PM if landfall is still in daylight.
LOL, you've only done that because I just corrected myself that you wouldn't be meeting Stu after all! ;)
Yeah ;) I'm also driving my family, friends and co-workers crazy with my constant changing of plans :)

I'm just now crossing into South Carolina, should be on the coast by sunrise..........
Originally posted by Dan Robinson+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Dan Robinson)</div>
<!--QuoteBegin-Caleb Lawrence
How many gallons of gas? I can't tell if you have 2 or 5 gallon cans...I'd assume 5 gallon cans, but I'm not sure.

22.5 gallons to be exact. Four 5 gallon and one 2.5 gallon. I figured on having a little more than one extra tank.[/b]

Ah, sounds good. Good luck and be safe, to you and others.
Weather and Chasing

If any of you guys can intercept a clear eye, I hope you will get a time lapse of the eyewall. That would be really neat.
