I have run into situations where civilians have tried to overstep their boundaries and I have told them that if they do not cease what they are doing they will be arrested. Now they are trying to help but that help turns into a hinderence and a situation we don't have the time to deal with.
No Fn Way, you mean like new skywarn spotters taking old Ford Crown Victoria and making them into Fake Police Cars?
My distaste for the chasing community in general is at an all time high which is why I have been off line. Not that I have stopped chasing is that this shizzel has got so out of control, I don't want to be associated or even called a "Storm Chaser" Weather Paparazzi is ok since it is all about get in, get the shot, and get out before anyone sees or has time to react. Just like when Chris and I chased the hurricanes, we were gone by the time police and EMS came back out and just told them as we were leaving where the worst of it was.
But my total hatred, YES HATRED of the yahoo / newbee / DMF without a clue Viral Superstars reached an all time high just over a week ago when I was on a dirt road parked well off the road on what would be called "Bobs Road". I was out shooting some lightning footage and stills when a Cop Car pulls up.
Turns out it was not the police. It was Steele County MN SkyWarn. Yes FN SKYWARN, a couple of kids who just took their skywarn training running around in a police auction car with in grill strobes and strobes on the back dash. Granted they were white and yellow but still they were faking being a law enforecement but they were skywarn so that gave them some kind of authorithaaaaaaaa as Cartman would say. I asked them how they get away with that and they said the police get pissed but they don't care. Another reason why if have almost no respect for anyone with skywarn these days when skywarn spotters drive around pretending to be cops.