A capstone study in severe nocturnal LLJ convection

Apr 25, 2004
Hey as some of you know I am beginning my final year of undergrad meteorology here at OU and as part of graduation process I will need to do a capstone project related to meteorology.
Well ive decided on doing something with regards to severe nocturnal LLJ convection since it is the one aspect of severe weather that I absolutely break out in hives over (more so then tornadoes). Maybe its b/c it occurs at night and as a result scares the living daylights out of me. I can tell u it has caused me many sleepless nights and as a direct result the next day im a walking zombie.
Anyway I havent yet come up with a specific topic related to severe nocturnal LLJ storms that Id want to do my capstone over, so I am seeking the assistance of the ST community for suggestions. Any help would be much appreciated.
Hmm ... just off the top of my head, you could do something concerning nocturnal mid-level cooling and the resultant weakening of the inversion after days that were stoutly capped and how that interacts with the LLJ at night.

Just throwin' it out there. ;)