A call to action!

Join historic May 12th to May 25th storm chaser gasoline protest.

  • No! Stop looking at the GFS, and get a life Scott.

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Scott Currens

:angry: In protest of the outrageous gas prices, I am calling on all storm chasers abstain from storm chasing for the next two weeks (May 12th to May 25th). Doing this in the middle of chase season will show the oil companies just how serious we are. I know it is a lot to ask, but our sacrifice is needed to help future generations of storm chasers.
:angry: In protest of the outrageous gas prices, I am calling on all storm chasers abstain from storm chasing for the next two weeks (May 12th to May 25th). Doing this in the middle of chase season will show the oil companies just how serious we are. I know it is a lot to ask, but our sacrifice is needed to help future generations of storm chasers.

lol thats funny.. fortunately there arent any setups in the near future to chase.. so its a safe bet.. Of course its a joke on your part.

As I know that you also know that there is maybe somewhere less than a few hundred of us that are hardcore chasers, chasing marginal low risk setups. lol

I wonder how many of us there really are?? excluding those that chase with a tour group or a friend of a friend fo a chaser.. i mean Hardcore chasers?? Maybe 500??? hmmm would be interesting to know..

I also wonder what happened to that whos who website? It disappeared one day.. whats the story behind that? I wonder..

Funny though...
Sorry..........although I feel your pain, there isn't anything stopping me from chasing!! How about we all boycott Mobile/EXXON? I can do that!! Fill up at the smaller companies, even though their CEOs probably still make more than all of us combined times a thousand. Just somewhat trying to do my part!! LOL
I'm joining the struggle! Me and the Omega block are boycotting any and all storm chasing for the next two weeks! You think the argument will get me out of my girlfriend's mother's day?
I wonder how many of us there really are?? excluding those that chase with a tour group or a friend of a friend fo a chaser.. i mean Hardcore chasers?? Maybe 500??? hmmm would be interesting to know..[/b]

I think the next chasable system their may be 500 cameras on a single storm. The oil companies are watching the models too so they can raise the price of gas even more when SW flow returns.

Jerry Funfsinn
I think the next chasable system their may be 500 cameras on a single storm. The oil companies are watching the models too so they can raise the price of gas even more when SW flow returns.

Jerry Funfsinn

Right, lol

Tornadic storms create the possibilities of putting refineries in danger.. lol
Good to know that's all it takes.

LOL, that's why I always get a kick out of the "when warm air from the south collides with cold air from the north..." "explanation" for tornadoes and severe storms. I'm sorry, but these airmasses "collide" all the time, anytime there's a front in fact. I don't know about you, but OK certainly doesn't see severe storms and tornadoes with every front ("airmass collision"). Oy.
I know this isn't really weather related but it is definitely related to chasing (driving). To protest the gas prices I would buy a diesel car and start using veggie fuel. As of now any restaurant with a deep fryer would gladly give you the old grease for free. A night of filtration and you have fuel for your car! Jetta TDI's get about 40mpg, and veggie fuel will only reduce mileage by a few mpgs... which doesnt really matter assuming its FREE FUEL!!! I haven't looked at it too much but im sure there are some negative side effects like vegetables growing out of your engine or crud building up.
I was just reading a flyer I got in the mail from a local car dealership, they used to say if you buy a car from them its free fillups for a year, now its limited to $200!
Whats that, three fillups on most cars?!

Funny stuff!

Who cares, if the atmosphere gets its act together in the next two weeks, Im chasing! If not, Ill help do aerial video of brushfires down here in Florida, theres always some disaster going on!
Sorry..........although I feel your pain, there isn't anything stopping me from chasing!! How about we all boycott Mobile/EXXON? I can do that!! Fill up at the smaller companies, even though their CEOs probably still make more than all of us combined times a thousand. Just somewhat trying to do my part!! LOL

I agree with boycotting Exxon. Even though the gas prices are very bad, I don't think I could stop chasing for two weeks to boycott the oil companies. I like the idea of a lot of people not buying gas for one or two days. There was something like this on Myspace a few weeks ago, but I can't remember the date. Good luck chasing!
I don't understand the 'national day of no-gas-buying' idea. It makes no difference if you don't buy gas for a day. Heck, half the population of the nation could avoid buying gas for a single day, and there wouldn't be a huge consequence. As long as you still USE gas at the same rate, you'll still buy it at the same rate. So, don't buy gas on a certain date... That just means that you either (a) fill up the day or two before the boycott, or (B) fill up the day or two after the boycott. Over the course of a week or month, the total gas consumption is still the same. The only way it would have any meaningful impact would be if you don't USE any gasoline on a particular day. If you don't use it, you won't buy it. Unfortunately, for most people, it isn't feasible to just not use gas on a particular day. Having to get to and from work, pick up the kids from school, etc, etc etc. Our nation and culture revolves around the ability to drive each day.
I am not sure if everyone gets that this is a joke. Instead of complaining about the omega block shutting us down for two weeks, I thought a well-timed boycott of gas would be more fun.

LOL, I guess the rest of you are out chasing this week.

Scott Currens