I'm sorry but the NHC dropped the ball on Gaston. The front stalled, the TD moved back over water and now it's back up to a tropical storm. Was anybody even watching it over land? The td looked like a pinwheel on radar, it still had tropical characteristics, and what about the wind observations?
Now there's a tropical storm a few hundred miles south of the most densely populated part of the country and there are no forecast products out. I am usually very defensive of the NWS, they provide a great service and do an excellent job at it. But the goal is to protect life and property. Sometimes you gotta go by your gut, and somebody at the NHC had to a have gut feeling this thing was coming back over water.
Since there are no products out at the moment I am forecasting Gaston to get even a little more organized over the coastal waters off Delaware. The cold front to the north has stalled or is moving very slowly. Gaston could hug the coast and even brush by eastern LI and the Mass Islands.